Inner Brutality Reduction Workshop
with Anna Pinkerton
Rid your leadership and teams of brutality...
…so that you can create solidarity, and efficient productivity without becoming fatigued.
Explore your inner self-talk and where it scuppers your unique leadership skills and aims.
Reducing your inner brutality means you can more easily sustain yourself, uplift and support others, and manage change and challenges with goodwill.
What is Inner Brutality?
It’s the internal chatter, shouting and screaming at self. It’s the inner voice that doesn’t forgive you for mistakes, and even your misdemeanors. It’s the voice that blames you, shames you, and makes you hate you.
Leaders who deal firmly but thoroughly with their Inner Brutality create empathy with people who work with them and for them.
It helps them become approachable, encourages open communication and fosters productivity and empathy.
More info
From £3,150 GBP (For up to 15 people)
Format & Deliverables
- Creation and live delivery of presentation.
- Post workshop de-brief
- PDF Summary of key elements of workshop
- Follow up consultation
Other key benefits
This workshop acts as a foundation to support the engagement with your other wellbeing projects.